5 Advantages Of Having A Corporate Board Representative In Your School
If you're the manager of an education institution seeking to improve its profitability, one of the best steps is to bring in a corporate board representative (CBR). CBRs are experts at maximizing the potential of organizations and helping them meet their goals — and they can do the same for your school, too. As you consider bringing on a CBR as part of your management team, here are some advantages you can expect from them:
1. Help Develop Better Management Practices
A corporate board representative can bring their own corporate experience to school operations, which can help develop better management practices and corporate governance. Depending on their level of interest, they may want to sit on your advisory committee or be included in planning meetings. You can rely on their experience and skills to deal with challenging situations. Strengthening corporate governance lowers the risks of mismanagement.
2. Bring in Specialist Skills and Expertise
The most qualified school board representatives are more than just token seats for businesses and organizations — they can bring in specialist skills and expertise to help run your school. They'll not only be effective representatives, but they'll also be important resources for your management team when you decide to venture further into unfamiliar territory. Their skill and expertise will be crucial.
3. Expand Business Connections Through Their Networks
Most people and brands tend to be more willing to do business with brands they already know and are familiar with. A corporate board representative helps expand your organization's network by giving you access to people who are not already involved with your school but can still make a real difference financially.
4. Lend Credibility and Legitimacy to the Brand
A strong corporate board representative brings credibility and legitimacy to any organization. They bring much-needed experience, knowledge, and connections to your brand or school. For example, a well-respected business person can lend their years of knowledge and experience to your brand.
This qualified school board representative can offer an immediate sense of legitimacy and importance to your school because they are well-known in the community.
5. Help Craft a Sound Strategic Plan for Long-Term Growth
In any business, it's essential to have a strategic plan. This will be your roadmap for long-term growth — in other words, how your school will reach that million-dollar revenue mark you've set for yourselves.
A CBR will help lay down a sound strategy starting with your vision. They can help answer questions like; What do you envision for your school? What do you want to achieve? And what does success look like?
Like any other organization, a school needs a good management team with the right practices, skills, and plans. Bringing a good person on the board is a good way to improve success. Talk to a corporate board representative, such as William Keyes, to learn more.