Using Soaker Lines To Keep Your Cows Cool
For those that are responsible for caring for a large number of cattle, it can be essential to invest in soaker lines for cows. However, many of those that are new to needing to care for these large animals may not be aware of the purpose of these systems or the type of considerations and maintenance they will require.
Understand The Critical Role Soaker Lines Can Play For Your Cows
During the hotter times of the year, it can be extremely difficult to effectively cool your cows. Their large size and fur can make it difficult for them to vent excess heat, which can increase the chances of the animal experiencing a heat-related illness. Soaker lines can help to mitigate this problem by thoroughly wetting the cows. This will help to quickly and effectively cool these animals so that they can be protected against extremely hot temperatures.
Choose Soaker Lines That Provide Large Droplets
When you are evaluating a soaker system for your cows, it is important to choose a system that will provide large droplets of water. These systems can provide far more effective cooling for the cows as the larger drops of water will be able to absorb through the animals' fur more easily. Unfortunately, using a system that only provides a misting effective can actually cause the cows to become warmer. This is due to the ability of the mist to gather on the exterior of the fur where it can increase the humidity around the animals without providing effective cooling.
Provide Regular Maintenance To Your Soaker Lines
Soaker lines may not seem like they will need much or any care in order to keep them working. Yet, these lines can actually become clogged with mineral deposits over the course of the years. This can severely reduce the amount of moisture that the soaker lines will be able to provide to the cattle. Periodically cleaning these systems so that any of these deposits are removed can be a critical step for you. However, this will not be particularly difficult as there are solvents that can be used to dissolve these accumulations whether they are in the water lines supplying the soakers or the soaker head themselves. This will allow you to complete this maintenance in as little as an hour so that you can keep the soakers working at peak efficiency without subjecting your cattle to unnecessary heat.