Vital Bail Bonding Information For Defendants
Bail bonds can be an important tool for individuals that are facing a criminal charge. Despite the fact that bail bonds can be integral to the justice system for many states, it is a reality that defendants can fail to appreciate the benefits that bail bonding services are able to offer them during this trying time.
Can You Use Bail Bonding Services If You Have A Previous Conviction?
Individuals may assume that a bail bonding service is only useful for those that have a clean record. However, it can be possible for individuals that have previous convictions to also utilize bail bonding services. Rather than considering whether the defendant has a previous conviction, bail bonding services will be primarily focused on whether the defendant has a history of attempting to flee before trial as well as the severity of their criminal charge.
Will The Bail Bond Take Time To Be Approved?
Another assumption that people may have about bail bonds is that these services will take an extremely long time in order for them to be approved for the bond. When a person is being detained in jail, it is imperative for them to secure bail as quickly as possible so that they can leave. While a bail bond will take a little time to be processed and approved, individuals will often find that the entire process of applying for a bail bond, being approved, and having the jail process the bond may only take a few hours. This can allow for an extremely rapid release for the person who is being held in jail.
How Is The Cost For A Bail Bond Determined?
The costs of a bail bond will typically be fairly predictable as they are determined based on the total amount of bail that is being charged. Those with higher bail amounts will expect to pay a higher bail bonding fee. Additionally, the severity of the crimes may also influence this as those that are facing crimes with extremely lengthy penalties can be at a higher risk of fleeing before their trial. As a result of these factors, there can be some variance in the final cost for having the bail bond issued, but a bail bonding agent will be able to easily quote you a fee for having a bail bond issued so that you will know exactly how much you will have to pay before you agree to the terms of the bail bond.
Contact a company like Abel Bail Bonds to learn more.