
Improving Employee Retention

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Improving Employee Retention

Are you a busy business owner who can’t remember the last time you took a vacation? Perhaps, you’re struggling with employee retention at your company. You might feel like you need to hire someone new almost every week. If you desperately desire to keep workers long-term, hiring a business consultant is a great idea. This professional can help you figure out why employees don’t stay at your company long. A business consultant can also offer suggestions for improvement. For example, you might need to update your heating and air conditioning system. Or, you may need to provide new hires with more desirable benefits packages. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you keep the workers you hire for many years to come.


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3 Questions To Know Answers To When Shopping For Silver Brazing Alloy Products

When joining together two metal parts that are relatively close in proximity on a part or structure, silver brazing alloys can be used. Due to their non-ferrous nature, resilience, and easy malleability when heated, silver can make an ideal metal brazing product. However, not all silver brazing alloy products are exactly the same. As a consumer or as a business owner, if you will be using these brazing products for some purpose, it is best to know the answers to several questions. Here are three things to ask yourself before looking for the best silver brazing alloy products. 

Are you prepared to do separate fluxing if needed?

Some silver alloys contain a fluxing paste that will activate as the material is heated during the application process, but not all products do. If the flux paste is incorporated into the alloy, no additional fluxing is necessary. If the flux paste is not incorporated, you will have to use your own tools and resources to perform the fluxing process. Therefore, it is best to know what you are buying compared to what additional steps you are prepared to do after the alloy is applied. 

What equipment are you planning to use to apply the silver brazing alloy?

Whether you are using a welder, a torch, or some other form of equipment, the type you use is important to what type of silver brazing alloy products you purchase. The products are available in a variety of forms to coincide with the equipment used and the application itself. For example, you can find silver alloy brazing rods that can be used along with a stick welder, but you can also find ring-shaped alloy products that are better suited for use with a heating torch. Picking the wrong type of alloy shape can make your job much more difficult to achieve. 

Do you have a tight-fitting joint to join together through the brazing process?

The space of the joint you are trying to join together on your project is also something to take into consideration when picking the right silver brazing product for the task. Tight-fitting joints may be best suited with a mixed silver alloy that includes other metal additives like cadmium or nickel. On the other hand, if you are working with a wider joint, you may do better with a silver brazing alloy that has a higher concentration of silver and lack of other alloy additives. 

Contact a company like Alexy Metals to learn more.