
Improving Employee Retention

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Improving Employee Retention

Are you a busy business owner who can’t remember the last time you took a vacation? Perhaps, you’re struggling with employee retention at your company. You might feel like you need to hire someone new almost every week. If you desperately desire to keep workers long-term, hiring a business consultant is a great idea. This professional can help you figure out why employees don’t stay at your company long. A business consultant can also offer suggestions for improvement. For example, you might need to update your heating and air conditioning system. Or, you may need to provide new hires with more desirable benefits packages. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious tips to help you keep the workers you hire for many years to come.


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If you have great ability to work and think under pressure, you might decide to work as part of an emergency response team. Paramedics have more training than basic EMTs, and they can often be hired by city fire departments to respond to medical emergencies. You can to help save lives in the community by making quick decisions and providing basic triage when hospitals are not available. Most paramedics begin as EMTs, but they undergo more training. Paramedic training can last up to a year before you become fully certified. 

Physicians Assistant

If you like the idea of working with a doctor to help see and diagnose patients, you might consider becoming a physicians assistant. PAs must attend graduate school, but then they sit for qualifying exams to have a professional license. They work under doctors to see more patients, providing basic care and assisting with surgical procedures. The salary range for a PA is respectable, with most making around 100,000 dollars annually. As a PA, you can prescribe medications, give medical advice, follow up on patient care, and handle medical records. You help to ease the patient load of the physician. 

Ultrasound Technician

You can also work in hospitals and doctor's offices as someone who take ultrasounds. If you don't like working with blood or doing procedures, you can still assist patients and help reach a diagnosis with your work. You might like this type of work if you like to see new things every day. People who get ultrasounds need them to see inside, so you are the one who finds foreign objects, discovers a baby's sex, or finds a blood clot in someone's leg. You never know what to expect. The process to become a technician does require some specialized training combined with a college degree

Health Social Worker

If you want to work in healthcare but are more interested in people than in medicine, you might instead pursue a humanities degree in social studies with the intention of specializing in medical care. You can provide support to families, help to place organ donors with matching recipients, counsel families going through a tough diagnosis, or help ensure the safety of an injured child. This career requires at least four years in undergraduate work, with he most successful and highest paid people continuing education with a social work master's degree. 

Contact a career coach for more help.