Food On The Go; Designing Your Concession Trailer
When you go to an event, stopping at the concession trailers is always fun. The kinds of food offered are never the healthy stuff we should eat but instead, the greasy, fried food that tastes so good. Setting up a trailer like this to take to events and fairs can be a great way to make some money and have some fun too. Have you ever wondered what it takes to put a food trailer together?
Deciding What You Will Serve
The first step is to decide what kind of food you want to serve at an event or fair. The reason that is important is that it dictates what equipment you will need in your trailer. If you are going to serve soft serve ice cream exclusively, you don't need a grill but you do need freezers and refrigerators for your product. So take the time to outline what your menu will be first then you can hone it a little to make it all work. You may find that you need something more or less than you thought so putting it on paper is better than rushing out to buy equipment first.
Laying It All Out
While you are in the planning stage, it is a good idea to take the time to plan the workflow out for the inside of the trailer. If you can place equipment so that you are not bumping into others working in the trailer as well, it will make it easier to for everyone. Because of the limited space inside a trailer like this, you may have times when there is no option and crossing each other's path will be inevitable. Work carefully and be mindful of coworkers as you move around inside the trailer. This will help to reduce collisions as you work.
Selecting A Trailer
There are a lot of options when deciding what kind of trailer you would like to have. Sometimes converting old camping trailers into really nice concession trailers works but that does require fitting serving windows and equipment into the trailer. You will have to gut it completely to make a conversion system like this work. The other option is to buy a purpose-built trailer that is all ready for you to serve out of. You may just need to selecting the equipment inside for the trailer before you pick it up.
Getting The Proper Permits
Even after you get your trailer setup, you will need to apply for a permit to operate it. The trailer will need to be inspected by the health inspector in the town or city where you are operating. In some cases, you might be able to get a state inspection that is all you need to run your trailer in that state but check the local ordinances to be sure. It is not worth taking the risk of getting shut down because of a minor detail such as this.
To learn more about concession trailer equipment, contact a company like CS Techs Inc.